Update News 【Online Exhibitor Badge Application】 2025大湾区国际智能纺织制衣、鞋机鞋材工业设备展入选广东省商务厅关于印发2025年“粤贸全国”活动目录! [2025-02-10] [皮革商情] 厚街重启•继往开来——2025大湾区制衣制鞋、华南国际缝制设备展 新闻发布会在东莞厚街隆重举行! [2024-06-26] [新快报] 2025大湾区国际智能纺织制衣工业设备展将在东莞厚街举行 [2024-06-26] [广州皮具] 2025大湾区制衣制鞋、华南国际缝制设备展将在东莞厚街重启 我会应邀出席新闻发布会 [2024-06-26] [制衣制鞋技术快讯] 厚街重启•继往开来——2025大湾区制衣制鞋、华南国际缝制设备展 新闻发布会在东莞厚街隆重举行! [2024-06-26] “Greater Bay Area International Textile & Clothing Industry Fair 2025” (DTC 2025), South China International Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show (SCISMA2025) will be staged at Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center on March 25-27, 2025. State-of-the-art clothing & footwear machineries and technologies of the world will be exhibited in the fairs, through which exhibitors and buyers can explore new business opportunities. [2024-06-12] Media Links: Media Links Friendly Link: Home Ad